Pawamuktasana ~ Nourish Your Joints &



Pawanmuktasana Series 1 ~ 
Open the joints and relax the muscles to release blockages due to stagnation and prevent further stiffness or swelling of the muscles and bones in the joints.

This series also reduces high blood pressure, improves coordination, and reduces vata.

This Beginner’s series will focus on the feet, toes, ankles, elbows, shoulders, knees, neck and hips.

These movements are to be done slowly and thoughtfully. Let your breath lead the way, taking an initial few deep inhales and exhales.

Inhaling at the beginning of a movement and exhaling to finish it off is the general rule as you move through these asanas.

Contraindications: active fracture or dislocation, inflammation, torn tendons / muscles / ligaments / hip replacement and seizure disorders. If pregnant or have had recent surgery please bring a clearance not from the doctor.

There are 15 basic movements in this Asana series. They an be done sitting comfortably in a chair or lying down.

Sit upright, or if bedridden lie on your side or back.If sitting, make sure tailbone is tall and not slouched. If needed sit on a blanket or pillow. Use hands behind back, fingers pointed away from you for balance while legs are long and straight in front of you. Feet can be right close together or with a little spacing, it depends on what is comfortable for you.
FROM BASE POSE let’s bring our attention to our feet. With the inhale lets bend our foot forward and at the exhale bring back toward you. Breathe in (bend foot forward) and breathe out (flex foot back toward you). REMEMBER this series is all about letting the breath guide the movements. Do approximately 8-10 of each foot to start.
FROM FEET TO ANKLES – to open up the ankle make a complete circle with your foot. Inhale to start the circle and exhale to finish it. Inhale to start, exhale to finsh. Try 8-10 in one direction and then 8-10 in another. Then finish on other foot.
THEN FINISH ANKLES with ankle cranks. Bring your foot close to you (bending your knee) and with your hand on your foot rotate in complete circles using your hand to “crank” along the way. Repeat 8-10 times, inhaling to start the circle and exhaling to finish it. Then go in opposite direction and repeat on other foot.
FROM ANKLE TO KNEE BEND staying in your base pose, bend one leg and place hands behind the thigh. At the inhale, extend the leg and at the exhale bend it bringing knee close. Go slow. No need to rush. Make sure no strain. Repeat 8-10 times or as much as feels good and straighten that leg and repeat motion on other leg.
FROM KNEE BEND TO KNEE CIRCLES lie back on your mat and bring knee in. With hands on your shin make wide (as wide as you can) circles moving knee out down and around. 8-10 times, go in other direction and repeat on other leg.
FROM KNEE TO HAND CLENCHING on the inhale clench your hand as hard as you can and on the exhale release while fully opening/flexing hand and extending fingers. Repeat 8-10 times and do other hand.
FROM HAND CLENCHING TO WRIST BENDING at the inhale flex hand toward you and then exhale bending hand to point downward. Repeat 8-10 times and then do other hand.
FROM WRIST BENDS TO WRIST CIRCLES think of the circles you made with your ankles and repeat now with your wrist using the inhale to begin the circle and the exhale to finish it.
FROM WRIST CIRCLESS TO SHOULDER ROTATION bring each hand to your shoulders and at the inhale w hands staying on shoulders bring elbows to meet and then rise them up and around making complete circles. Inhale to start and exhale to finish. Keep arms close to head as you do your circles and go as wide as possible in your turn to open up the prana in your shoulder blades. Do 8-10 times and reverse for another 8-10.
FROM SHOULDER ROTATION TO NECK at the inhale, extend the neck and at the exhale flex. Then do the same with side to side movements. Go slowly. Breathe. Finish with neck rolls doing complete circles, beginning on the inhale and finishing on the exhale. Do 8-10 times and reverse for another 8-10.

Rhythmic breathing calms the mind, helps with digestion, relaxes tension in the body and encourages healthy mental and emotional patterns.
I chose Basic Abdominal Breathing because so many people breathe through their chest (stress) and not their abdomen so creating this foundation is important before moving forward to other breath techniques.
Have client lie on a mat comfortably on their back. Have them place their hand on their abdomen and ask them to breathe deeply in through their belly and they will see it rise and fall with the exhale. Take deep belly breaths in and deep exhale out. Repeat 8-10 or more times.

Improves our ability to focus the mind while also supporting our lungs and respiratory functions which is important during these times. Nadi Shodhana also restores balance in the left and right hemispheres of the brain and rejuvenates the nervous system.
Sit comfortably on a chair or mat. Take a few abdominal inhales and exhales to get started. Rest your left hand on your lap and bring your right palm to your face. Place your index and middle fingers at your third eye and with your thumb close your right nostril. Breathe in through your left nostril. Then use your ring finger to close your left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Inhale and then use thumb to close and exhale at left nostril. Breathe slow and deep. If you feel comfortable holding the breath at the inhale, definitely do so. Spend 3-5 minutes in your Nadi Shodhana practice.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE – switch fingers (nostrils) on the exhale.
